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social Networking

social networking
social networking

The demand for social networking sites is comparatively high among the services available with the help of internet in today's world. Some of these sites are --- Facebook, Whats App, YouTube, Blogger, Twitter, MySpace, etc. When transportation and communication systems did not reach their present state, social networking was limited to a particular geographical area. With the advent of the Internet, e-mail, instant messaging services and group chatting, social networking is now much more advanced.

Use of Social Networking

With the help of social networking, a person can create his own profile and upload and download his friends, family members, and above all, friends, exchange views, any speech, various information, pictures, videos, songs, poems, etc. with strangers. .
As the Internet became more popular, so did social networking sites. The first social networking site was launched in 1996, called 'SixDegree.com', followed by 'ryze.com' in 2001. In 2004, Google introduced Orkut. In 2003, Mark Zuckerberg launched a website. Incidentally, he created 'Facebook.com'. In mid-2004, Facebook was recognized as a corporate entity. Then there are many more social networking sites. Facebook is currently the most popular social networking site.

Advantages of using Social networking
  • New people can be contacted.
  • You can create your own place on the internet.
  • With the help of social networking, any new solution can be advertised.
  • New news can be collected from any part of the world.
  • In the present era, online studies are being done through social networking.
Difficulty using social networking
  • Anyone can make vulgar remarks about him.
  • Hacking someone else's profile can be a criminal act.
  • He can insult them by making negative remarks towards any race or religion, from which violent attitudes can spread in the society.
Security measures of social networking
 It is important to strengthen the security of all computers (servers, workstations) under networking. What kind of security measures will be taken in the network depends on the importance of the network system and the level of security required. In addition to this, how the network operating system will implement security measures must also be considered seriously. Virus attacks on computers with a network system, firewall system, network operating system cannot be protected by password if all network system can be crippled.

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