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Are you also suffering from heart disease? If you don't know, find out today.

Are you also suffering from heart disease? If you don't know, find out today.
Are you also suffering from heart disease? If you don't know, find out today.
Heart disease is seen in all ages, but it is more common in middle-aged people.Atherosclerosis is usually responsible for this, although there are other causes of heart disease. Atherosclerosis causes the arteries to thicken and reduce their elasticity. Many suffer from chest pain as a result of this disease. People with heart disease most often suffer from high blood pressure. Heart patients experience difficulty breathing as a result of hard work, and increased kidney relaxation interferes with kidney function. As a result, water and sodium accumulate in the body.
A The following factors contribute to the risk of heart attack:
* Smoking cigarettes
* Hypertension
* Foods are high-fat or cholesterol-rich
* Obesity
* Diabetes mellitus
* Excess of freebinogen in the blood
* Lack of hard work
* Nature of work
* Stress
* Genealogy
* Increase in blood triglycerides and homo cysteine
Dietary arrangements for heart patients:
i) The amount of calories should be adjusted according to the weight of the person suffering from heart disease. If you are overweight, you need to reduce the amount of calories in your diet. Even if you have a normal weight, you need to reduce the amount of calories a little.
ii) The diet should include plenty of fiber rich foods, raw salads, fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, sprouted gram, mug.
iii) Sweets, chocolates, cakes, pastries, ice cream, sugar, molasses, fried foods can be eaten in very limited quantities but it is better to exclude them completely from the food list.
iv) Fat rich meat should not be eaten.
v) Stale amounts should not be eaten together.
vi) Heart patients usually like to drink skim milk.
vii) Soybean, fenugreek, garlic, onion, turmeric should be included in the diet because they help in lowering cholesterol.
viii) The amount of alcoholic beverages should be kept in moderation.
C WHO guidelines for heart disease prevention

    The following is a diet recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the prevention of heart disease
(i) The amount of calories in the diet should be such that the body weight does not increase in terms of height.
(ii) 15 to 33 per cent of daily calorie requirement should come from food fat.
(iii) Cholesterol level in food is not stale at 300 mg daily.
(iv) The amount of fiber in the diet is not less than 40 grams.
(v) The amount of salt should be 5-6 grams daily.
(vi) The amount of sugar will be 10 percent of the required calories.
(vii) Dietary protein is 10-15% of daily caloric requirement.
(viii) Sugar will be 55% of the required calories from national food production.
(ix) The amount of linoleic acid should be 3.6 percent of the required calories.

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